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Chief Whip says Job Creation and Economic Recovery at the Heart of Government's Autumn Priorities

The Government Chief Whip, Minister Paul Kehoe T.D., today announced the Legislative Programme for the Autumn Parliamentary session.

Speaking following the announcement Minister Kehoe said:

"Job Creation and Economic Recovery are at the very heart of the Government’s priorities. The Autumn Legislative Programme released today, focuses on that legislation which is essential to the process of economic recovery. As part of this programme the Government plans to publish 30 Bills before the end of 2011."

"This Administration, in contrast to its predecessor, is determined to face the economic challenges that confront us, make the difficult decisions required and show the unity of purpose and leadership the Irish people demand."

"In this Dáil term we will publish legislation to regulate the legal profession, address the issue of upward only rent reviews, introduce a temporary credit guarantee scheme for business, improve the enforcement of competition law, provide a new single pension scheme for new entrants to the public service, strengthen the regulatory framework for Credit Unions and provide a legislative basis for fiscal responsibility. In addition to this the Government will of course present its first Budget to the Dáil."

"Apart from the economic agenda the Government has also prioritised legislation on:

the protection of children,

the establishment a Human Rights and Equality Commission,

updating animal welfare legislation,

introducing electoral reform and

improving road safety."

"The Legislative Programme published today is a balance of economic necessities, Programme for Government pledges and EU/IMF commitments. While the Government’s main focus must be on economic recovery and job creation progress on vital non economic issues such as child protection are also being addressed."

Full legislative Programme here

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