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Deenihan invites public comment on A National Landscape Strategy for Ireland

Jimmy Deenihan T.D., Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht today (Thursday 15th September, 2011) invited the public and interested parties to have their say on A National Landscape Strategy for Ireland – Strategy Issues Paper for Public Consultation.

Minister Deenihan stated “the Strategy Issues Paper sets out Ireland’s aims and objectives with regard to landscape and sets it in the context of existing strategies, policies and objectives as well as the framework of the European Landscape Convention.”

The European Landscape Convention was adopted in 2000 as a new Council of Europe instrument with which to guide the management, planning and protection of all landscapes in Europe. Ireland, in common with 34 other countries, has signed and ratified this Convention. It is the first international treaty to be exclusively concerned with all dimensions of European landscape. A National Landscape Strategy for Ireland will be the vehicle used for complying with the Convention.

The Minister went on to say, “the aim of a National Landscape Strategy will be to put in place a framework to achieve balance between the active management, forward-planning and protection of our internationally renowned landscape as a physical, economic and cultural asset. A core objective of a National Landscape Strategy is for the sustainable management of change affecting landscape and not the preservation or “freezing” of the landscape at a particular point in its continuing evolution.”

A National Landscape Strategy for Ireland - Strategy Issues Paper for Public Consultation is available from the Department’s website The paper may also be obtained by contacting Mr Paul McMahon, Built Heritage and Architectural Policy Section, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Newtown Road, Wexford or telephone (053) 911 7381. Alternatively, requests via e-mail can be submitted to

Submissions in relation to the Strategy Issues Paper must be made in writing and marked “Strategy Issues Paper” and addressed to Mr Paul McMahon at the above address. Submissions may also be made by e-mail to the following address: and marked “Strategy Issues Paper” in the e-mail subject field.

The deadline for receipt of submissions is 5pm on Thursday, 17th November 2011.

All those making submissions should be aware that submissions received may be subject to requests for release under the Freedom of Information Acts.