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Eurosurf 2011 generates €3 million for Bundoran area - McGinley

Dinny McGinley Minister of State with responsibility for the Gaeltacht will officially open the European Surfing Championship in Bundoran, Co Donegal on (Saturday 24


September, 2011). Eurosurf – the European Surfing Championship takes place until Sunday October 2



Eurosurf Bundoran 2011  can be described as the highlight of the European Surfing Calendar with some 13 countries expected to participate - Ireland, England, Wales, Channel Islands, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Speaking at the opening Minister McGinley said "This competition was previously held in Bundoran on three occasions and I’ve no doubt that the successful management and support from the local community and Fáilte Ireland for those events, not to mention those challenging waves were all key elements for securing the championship for 2011.

The arrival of one of Europe’s biggest surfing competitions to one of Ireland’s top surfing destinations will guarantee huge crowds of spectators as the cream of Europe’s surfers are expected to attend. The event also provides a fantastic opportunity to market Ireland to a growing tourism demographic. "Events such as this provide a tremendous boost to the local community and indeed to the wider hinterland of Bundoran. Up to 20,000 visitors are expected to arrive in Bundoran – both spectators and competitors and the event is expected to generate €3m for the local economy" added Minister McGinley.

Minister Mc Ginley went on to say that it is worth noting there are over 15 different businesses now in operation in Bundoran linked directly to Surfing. "The Surf Schools in Bundoran employ 15 full time staff and 45 seasonal staff and welcome in excess of 40,000 visitors per annum" added Minister McGinley.

The Minister wished all participants well in the competition and made special mention of the Irish team which includes two locals - Darragh McCarter and Richie Fitzgerald who hail from Bundoran. "At Eurosurf 2009 Ireland had one podium finisher and I know you will undoubtedly be hoping to finish even higher on the podium this year. Beir Bua" concluded Minister McGinley.