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Minister Deenihan calls for all sporting organisations to observe a minute of silent reflection on Saturday, 10th September 2011 in memory of those who perished and suffered during the Great Famine

Jimmy Deenihan T.D., Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht invited sporting organisations to observe a minute of silent reflection at all sporting and public events taking place on Saturday, 10th September in memory of all those who suffered loss during the Great Famine.

Minister Deenihan said: 'Now, more than ever, we need to remember those who suffered loss during the Irish famine – loss of life, loss of family, loss of home and loss of country. The legacy of the Great Hunger resonates deeply with Irish people. This is particularly poignant in light of the plight being suffered in these present times by those in Somalia and throughout East Africa. To date, the Irish Government has provided some €7.7 million in relief through Irish Aid. This is the largest contribution to a single emergency from the Government in 2011 and shows that as a people we care deeply about adults and children who are literally starving to death. Down through the years, Irish people have always been known to have a strong commitment to humanitarian aid and to respond generously to relief efforts'.

Minister Deenihan continued: 'I would encourage all sporting organisations to observe a minute's silence at events on 10th September, the date of this year's National Famine Commemoration. This year's commemoration will be held in Clones, Co. Monaghan and President Mary McAleese has accepted an invitation to lead the official representation at the commemoration ceremony'.