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Minister Deenihan launches Architecture Tours Ireland

Arts Minister Jimmy Deenihan today launched Architecture Tours Ireland. The programme, a collaboration between the Irish Architecture Foundation and the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland, aims to create an interest in architecture as a cultural form, and to develop the profile of Irish Architects as the authors of the buildings on the tours.

Speaking at the launch, Minister Deenihan said...

contemporary Irish architecture is regarded as equal to the best in Europe. This is borne out with a proven track record in international awards and prizes won by Irish architects recently. These successes continue a strong tradition in Irish architecture as exemplified in our rich built heritage

The audience for the tours is international, national and local, and the initiative aims to cater for school children and Irish interest groups while also targeting the international audience. In this latter regard the Minister understands that Architecture Tours Ireland is already working with Fáilte Ireland to develop channels for promotion including the

international press. The tours will look at a diverse range of themes, addressing the story of the architectural development of Dublin city. The walking tours will be led by architects who have had professional tour guide training.

The Minister concluded...

central to the Government’s drive to regenerate our economy is the fostering of sustainable jobs. The Government Policy on Architecture complements and supports the Government’s wider economic strategy in areas such as research, Sustainable Tourism and the development of a high quality built environment

The launch today initiates a schedule of two tours each day every Saturday and Sunday. It will also be possible to arrange ‘tailored tours’ with Architecture Tours Ireland to suit the needs of groups visiting Dublin on week days or who have specific areas of interest. Further information is available at