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Minister for Health announces name of Independent Chair as part of the Consultative Forum on Health Insurance - Mr Pat McLoughlin

The Minister for Health Dr. James Reilly today announced the appointment of Mr Pat McLoughlin as Independent Chair as part of the Consultative Forum on Health Insurance. His role will be to work with insurance companies and the Department of Health to effect real cost reductions in the private health insurance market.

Commenting on the rising cost of insurance claims at a time of general deflation and private and public sector pay cost reductions, Minister Reilly said "private health insurance costs are simply unsustainable at present and I want insurers to address the base cost of their claims. Mr McLoughlin, working with the insurers and officials from my Department, will be charged with identifying effective cost management strategies that all insurers can adopt, thereby ensuring the long-term sustainability of the private health insurance market. I want to see all procedures provided in an appropriate, safe healthcare setting for patients, which also provides value for money for consumers".

The Minister concluded "given his extensive public and private sector experience I am confident that Mr McLoughlin will deliver on this task".