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Minister for Health opens conference to mark major progress on national health research agenda

Strong alliance of health, industry and academic leaders driving implementation of the Action Plan for Health Research 2009 – 2013 and maximising health and economic benefits.

Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly, T.D., gave his strong support to the strengthening of Ireland’s health research system at a unique gathering today (5th May) of key leaders from the life science industry, the health service and the health research community. The conference was held at Farmleigh House and reviewed the progress made to date in implementing the Action Plan for Health Research 2009-2013. The very close collaboration across health, enterprise and education/research sectors is a notable feature of the national effort underway to position Ireland’s health research system as a catalyst for population health and health service improvement and a key contributor to Ireland’s international competitiveness in the life science sector.

The Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly, T.D, said: “The pursuit of knowledge for the benefit of patients has driven the advances which the health services, in Ireland and internationally, have made in terms of life expectancy and quality of life.”

“Research and innovation must be made even more central within the health service delivery system if our health services are to meet health policy objectives and public expectations within limited resources.”

“Partnerships between the health service and industry are also being further strengthened to the mutual advantage of both sectors.”

“The Government has given a strong mandate to key Departments and agencies to pursue these objectives and implement the Action Plan for Health Research.”

The conference was also addressed by Mr. Seán Sherlock T.D., Minister of State with responsibility for research and innovation, highlighting the joined up approach across Government to this important national objective.

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