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Minister Hayes supporting the Irish Community in Luxembourg

Today (14-March) in Luxembourg Minister Of State Brian Hayes took the opportunity afforded by Saint Patrick's Day to promote Ireland's Presidency of the EU, issues of national importance, and business interests.

As part of a full itinerary coordinated by the Irish Ambassador, Mr Diarmuid O'Leary, Minister Hayes called on Luxembourg's Minister for Finance, Mr Luc Frieden. Areas discussed concerned the Irish Presidency's sure steering of several crucial ECOFIN dossiers. While separate discussions examined areas of common national interest in relation to financial services, ICT, and Research and Development.

Later, in a meeting with European Investment Bank President, Mr Werner Hoyer, and Mr Jonathan Taylor (Vice President with responsibility for Ireland), Minister Hayes related the positive effect of EIB investment into Ireland as an important vote of confidence in Ireland's response to the crisis. President Hoyer spoke of his respect for the remarkable patience of the Irish people, and how current and future EIB investment in the Schools' Building Programme, in innovation, and in infrastructure would assist progress towards recovery.

Minister Hayes also welcomed the EIB Management Committee's unprecedented decision to hold its next meeting of 29-30 April in Dublin. He hoped this would provide Committee members with the opportunity to see the tangible benefits of its commitment to invest in Ireland's recovery.

Other events included an Embassy-hosted reception. This provided an opportunity for representatives from Bord Bia, Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland and Tourism Ireland to promote key messages and interests to a gathering drawn from the Irish diaspora, the European Institutions, and the Luxembourg business and political communities. Addressing the gathering Minister Hayes spoke of how he considered the commitment of the diverse voluntary Irish groups and associations active in Luxembourg as epitomising the driving force behind the 'greening' taking place across the four corners of the globe.

Minister Hayes' Programme will continue tomorrow (Friday) in Brussels.