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Minister Hogan Launches National Radon Control Strategy for Ireland

Monday 17th February 2014: Phil Hogan, T.D., Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government today launched the National Radon Control Strategy for Ireland at the Eleventh National Radon Forum in Kilkenny.

Speaking at the launch, Minister Hogan said: “Successful implementation of this Strategy will require action from a range of Government Departments, public bodies and other stakeholders and so will require clear identification of responsibilities, good co-ordination between the various stakeholders and effective monitoring of progress.”

The strategy aims to tackle the serious public health problem of radon gas by reducing the number of lung cancer cases caused by the gas.

The Minister also commented “I am therefore pleased to be able to announce to you today the establishment of a National Radon Control Strategy Co-ordination Group. My Department has written to the relevant Departments and Agencies to request that they nominate a representative to this Group which is to implement and track the key recommendations in the Strategy”.

The responsibilities of the Co-ordination Group will include;

Coordinating the work on radon across the relevant departments and agencies,

monitoring the implementation of the Strategy;

reporting annually on progress;

ensuring that the effectiveness of the plan is assessed at appropriate intervals, and

at the end of the period covered by the action plan, making recommendations to Government on what further actions it considers necessary at that time.

The National Radon Forum is hosted by the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII) and brings together a broad range of stakeholders focussed on addressing the radon problem in Ireland.

The Forum, chaired by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government also heard from experts from the Geological Survey of Ireland, Public Health, England and the RPII on key elements of the Strategy.


Notes to Editors

The Strategy is available for download from: [Department’s website].

The National Radon Forum is the eleventh in a series of annual fora that provide an opportunity for those with a role to play in reducing the risk from radon in Ireland to review progress and to consider new strategies based on best international practice.

Detailed information on radon and its risks, including information on how to get your home or workplace tested for radon is available on the RPII’s website or on freefone 1800 300 600.

The inter-agency group that worked to develop the Strategy comprised members from the following: Department of Environment, Community and Local Government (Chair), Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland, Health Service Executive, Health and Safety Authority, Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Geological Survey of Ireland, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, County and City Managers' Association and Department of Health and Children.

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that originates from the decay of uranium in rocks and soils. It has no smell, colour or taste and can only be detected using special detectors. Outdoors, radon quickly dilutes to harmless concentrations but when it enters an enclosed space, such as a house or other building, it can accumulate to unacceptably high concentrations.