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Minister Howlin, T.D., publishes Organisational Review Programme: Progress Report on Implementation and Third Report of the Organisational Review Programme

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Brendan Howlin, T.D., published the Third Report of the Organisational Review Programme and the Progress Report on Implementation today. The purpose of the Organisational Review Programme (ORP) is to help organisations ensure that they are fit for purpose in terms of the challenges they face.

Referring to the Progress Report, Minister Howlin stated "while there have been significant changes in the operating environment particularly since the initial reviews took place, it is clear that most organisations have made substantial progress in implementing their action plans. I welcome, in particular, initiatives aimed at better management of resources and at improving joined-up working, governance of agencies and customer service. The reports identify a number of good practices across the system that addresses problems in the areas of resource management, systems delivery and service provision. Further improvement in these areas is a key aspect of our reform plan."

Referring to the Third ORP Report, Minister Howlin noted that "the findings demonstrate the high calibre, values and commitment of management and staff, and good performance in many areas including development of policy and strategy, consultation with stakeholders, delivery of customer service, management of financial resources and strong resilience in the face of growing challenges". The Minister acknowledged however that "there are still some areas where there is scope for improvement such as the need to focus more rigorously on strategic priorities and less on short-term issues, agency governance, the measurement of outcomes, and the management of staff".

The Departments have developed comprehensive action plans in response to the ORP findings. The Minister said "these plans demonstrate an encouraging degree of commitment and intention on the parts of the senior management in the organisations concerned to improve capacity and implement ambitious programmes of change. It is important that in a time of contracting resources every effort is made to improve the performance of the civil service and to achieve efficiencies wherever possible".

The Third Report also includes an assessment of the impacts of decentralisation on civil service capacity. The Minister said "the findings clearly vindicate the Government’s recent decision to cease further roll-out of the decentralisation programme".

Overall, the Minister concluded that "eleven organisations have been reviewed to date and the ORP process has proved valuable in identifying strengths and capacity challenges across the system. I have decided to reallocate my ORP resources now to focus on other priority elements of the Public Service Reform Plan and will review this decision in 18 months time. However, Departments remain committed to implementing the ORP action plans and progress will be reported on through the integrated Reform Delivery Plans developed as part of the wider reform agenda"