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Minister Shatter publishes Annual Policing Plan for 2013

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Alan Shatter TD, today laid the Annual Policing Plan for 2013 before the Houses of the Oireachtas.

Towards the end of each year, the Garda Commissioner must submit to the Minister a Policing Plan setting out the proposed arrangements for policing the State for the following year.

The Policing Plan is based on the 4 Garda strategic goals of Securing Our Nation, Proactive Policing Operations, Ensuring Safe Communities, and Delivering a Professional Service. At its heart is the Garda Síochána’s primary objective of preventing, detecting and disrupting crime and criminal activity and ensuring that people feel safe in their homes, on our roads and in our community. The Policing Plan must, among other things, include any proposal to consolidate the Garda station network, to change opening times of Garda Stations, or to make changes to Garda organisational boundaries.

The Plan sets out proposals for continuing the process of restructuring and reconfiguring the way in which policing services are organised and delivered, with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the Force at a time of financial constraint. In particular, it envisages the consolidation of 100 Garda stations, a reduction in public opening hours in 7 Garda stations in Cork and Dublin, and the amalgamation of 28 Garda Districts into 14.


Consolidation of Garda Station Network


Of the stations to be closed:


98% are currently open part-time;


94% of stations are open for 3 hours or less each day;


88% are served by 1 Garda member only;


only 5% are served by 3 or more Garda members,


86 are less than 10 miles from the new station, and


30 are 5 miles or less from the new station.

In addition to the closure of part-time small Garda Stations, two large stations in Dublin are to be closed. These are Stepaside in South Dublin which has 34 Garda members and Kill O’ the Grange in Dun Laoghaire which has 28 Garda members. When the stations are closed these members will be primarily allocated to Dundrum and Dun Laoghaire stations. The Garda authorities are currently preparing a timeframe for the consolidation to take place in 2013. It is anticipated that most of the stations will be closed in the first six months of 2013.

Objective of Consolidation of Garda Station Network


The objective of the consolidation of the Garda Station Network is to secure the more efficient deployment of Garda members so that a more effective policing service can be delivered in the areas concerned. The consolidation will free up members of An Garda Síochána from desk duties to frontline policing. There will also be small cash savings, mainly on maintenance and utilities, but that is not the primary objective. The consolidation of the stations will also mean that, where they are State-owned, they will be available for alternative community use or disposal.


Consultation with Local Communities


Local Garda management will consult with local communities on the alternative policing arrangements to be put in place in their area, which will include discussion at Joint Policing Committees and Local Community Policing fora.


Speaking today, Minister Shatter said "As Minister I am committed to ensuring that the Garda Síochána use all of its resources in the fight against crime in the most efficient and effective way possible. Until I assumed office the number and location of Garda stations in the State had barely changed since 1922 and the need for change and consolidation of Garda stations, based on a modern operational assessment as to how the Gardaí can best serve the community, was clearly required. The approach to policing in the first quarter of the 21st Century could not continue to be based on the location of police stations as inherited from the British in the first quarter of the 20th Century. Whilst an appropriate spread of Garda stations will always be a key element of our policing service, account must be taken of the revolutionary developments since the foundation of the State in transport, communications and technology. This is the objective of the reforms that are taking place. In addition I must ensure that we use decreasing financial resources to the optimum benefit of the wider community in a manner that facilitates the presence in communities of operational Gardaí on patrol, preventing and detecting crime rather than Gardaí substantially engaged in administrative duties behind desks.

The Minister continued "Nobody should be under the illusion that a single Garda sitting at a desk in a small Garda Station for three hours in the morning, no matter how committed or competent, is the best approach to tackling crime. We must free up Gardaí so that they are available for frontline operational purposes. In this context it is important to note that none of the Garda stations being consolidated outside Dublin are currently open or manned at night and most of them are only open in the morning.


"I am pleased that, despite the financial difficulties we were able to acquire 213 Garda vehicles in 2012 with €4m. In 2013, a further €5m will be made available for the purchase and fit-out of vehicles to ensure Garda mobility and the continuing modernisation of the Garda fleet.


The Minister also said "I would like to thank the Garda Commissioner for the initiatives he is taking in implementing crucial reform in the public interest in respect of the Garda Síochána. He is right in stating that the steps now being taken represent "the most fundamental restructuring of An Garda Síochána" since its foundation. The reforms being implemented will deliver significant benefits for the country as a whole and for the Garda Force".

Freeing up Gardaí

Of the 39 Garda stations consolidated in 2012, 8 were closed in reality, some for many years, and many of the remainder were only open for a few hours every week.

With regard to the consolidation of the Garda station network effected in 2012, the Garda authorities have reported that 167 Garda members were reallocated arising from the consolidation. In addition they have stated that, following the reduction in public opening hours at certain stations, 16 additional members have been freed up for operational duties

The consolidation of the Garda station network detailed in the 2013 Policing Plan is based on the operational judgement of the Garda Commissioner as to how best to deploy Garda personnel on operational duties. What is being proposed will secure the release of Gardaí for patrol and other operational duties in local communities.

Even after the proposed station consolidation next year, there will still be 564 Garda stations in the State. We will have significantly more police stations than comparable jurisdictions, such as Northern Ireland, where 86 stations with a population of 1.5 million people, or Scotland, where there are around 340 for a population of 5.2 million. It should be noted that in Northern Ireland consideration is being given to significantly reducing the number of stations by 2015.


Substantial Investment in Garda Vehicles


In 2012, 213 additional Garda vehicles have been acquired at an overall cost of about €4m. Furthermore, to ensure Garda mobility and continuing upgrading of the Garda fleet, there will be a sum of €5m available for the purchase and fit-out of new Garda vehicles in 2013.


Innovative and Cutting Edge Policing


The reform agenda will continue in 2013 with the enactment of crucial legislation for a DNA Database. During the course of 2012 substantial progress has been made by the Forensic Science Laboratory in putting in place the infrastructure required for the establishment of a DNA Database. In addition, substantial work has been undertaken by the Minister at European Union level to ensure the efficient exchange of both fingerprint and DNA information in the fight against organised crime, domestic subversion and international terrorism.


Garda measures to Combat Crime


The Garda Síochána has had significant success throughout 2012 in tackling crime. According to the latest figures from the CSO, most categories of recorded crime are falling, including homicide, assault, robbery and public order offences. The Garda Commissioner has responded to the increase in the number of burglaries with Operation Fiacla, which is an intelligence driven nationwide campaign backed up by specific burglary initiatives in each Garda Region. By the 29 November 2012, more than 3,217 persons were arrested and 1,737 charged through Operation Fiacla. Minister Shatter commends the Gardai for effectively tackling the prolific offenders behind the growth in burglaries.

The Gardaí are also continuing to bear down hard on organised and gang crime. Week in week out, An Garda Síochána is making arrests and bringing persons before the Courts, with substantial sentences handed down in many instances. Considerable success has also been achieved in disrupting the illicit drugs trade on which much organised crime depends. In excess of €90m of drugs were seized in the first nine months of the year, including the largest ever in-land seizure of cocaine in Ireland. Other seizures are taking place on a continuous basis, including extensive seizures and multiple arrests at cannabis grow houses around the country.

The Garda reforms now under way, include not only the reform and modernisation of the Garda station network and District network, but also new Garda rosters which more closely match resources with the pattern of demand, will enable the Force to continue its effective policing operations in the fight against crime.


Restricted Opening Hours to the Public


Seven garda stations are to have their opening hours to the public reduced. The relevant stations are located in Cork and Dublin, five will be open to the public from 7am to 9pm seven days a week and two from 12 noon until 9 pm Monday to Saturday. They will still be used by members of An Garda Síochána for operational purposes. The relevant Garda stations are detailed on page 20. These new arrangements will make more Gardaí available for frontline duties as is the case with station closures.

Amalgamation of Garda Districts


During the course of 2013 the Garda Commissioner will also amalgamate 28 Garda Districts into 14 larger Garda Districts, which is detailed on page 21. This consolidation will enable more flexible deployment of Garda personnel in the enlarged Districts, and provide improved economies of scale in administration.

Note for Editors:

A copy of Garda Policing Plan will be made available on the Garda Síochána website.  

Profile of callers to Garda stations

It is worth noting that, on foot of a 2002 review of the Garda Síochána, a detailed survey of callers to all stations in the Dublin Metropolitan Region and the South-Eastern Region was carried out.  The survey found that in Dublin 34% of callers simply required a Garda signature (mainly for motor tax and passports), while only 10% reported a crime or incident.  In the South-East these figures were 44% and 5% respectively.

There is no reason to believe that the profile of callers to Garda stations has changed significantly since then, and this does need to be taken into account in any debate on the station network.

Particulars of the stations to be closed are summarised in the attached table:

Consolidation of Garda Stations

With regard to the tables below, a number of the relevant Garda Stations do not have permanent Garda personnel assigned to them. Where this is the case, the Station is serviced from within the local Garda District and the number of permanent personnel in the details that follow is stated to be “Nil”.  

Consolidation of currently operational Garda Stations –Western Region

Division  Clare Clare Clare Clare Clare Clare Clare Clare

Station  Quin Inagh Lahinch Broadford Mount shannon Doonbeg Kilmihil Labasheeda

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

Opening times  10am - 1pm Mon-Fri 12md-2pm Sat/Sun 10am – 1pm Mon-Fri 10am-1pm Sat/Sun 10am – 1pm Mon-Fri

10am-1pm Sat/Sun 2.30pm - 4.30pm Mon-Sat

Closed Sun 7.30pm - 8.30pm Mon-Sat

Closed Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sat

12md-2pm Sun

How many Gardaí in the station  One One One One One Nil One Nil

How far away the new station  10 KM 11 Km 4 Km 14 Km 8 KM 11 Km 10 KM 20 Km

How far away the next 24 hour  11 KM 11 Km 4 Km 22 Km 24 KM 13 Km 19 KM 20 Km

Gardaí transferred to  Ennis Ennistymon Ennistymon Ardnacrusha Killaloe N/A Kilrush N/A




Division  Galway Galway Galway Galway Galway Galway Galway Galway Galway  Galway

Station  Kilconly Menlough Kiltullagh Tynagh Kilchreest Kilcolgan Leenane New Inn Shanaglish  Ballymoe

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open  Open

Opening times  10am - 11am Mon-Fri Closed Sat/Sun 1 hour daily – no set time 10am-1pm Mon-Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Fri

Closed Sat/Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Fri

Closed Sat/Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Fri

Closed Sat/Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Fri

Closed Sat/Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Fri

Closed Sat/Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Fri

Closed Sat/Sun 7pm-8pm Mon-Sun

How many Gardaí in the station  Nil Nil One One One Nil Nil One Nil Nil

How far away the new station  11 KM 9 Km 52 Km 7 Km 7 KM 11 Km 27 KM 11 Km 4 Km 8 Km

How far away the next 24 hour  15 KM 16 Km 84 Km 15 Km 7 KM 13 Km 41 KM 13 Km 4 Km 8 Km

Gardaí transferred to  N/A N/A Athenry Portumna Craughwell N/A N/A Loughrea N/A N/A

Division  Mayo Mayo Mayo Mayo Mayo Mayo

Station  Ballycastle Lahardane Blacksod Ballyglass Ballyvary Hollymount

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open Open

Opening times  10am - 1pm Mon-Sat Closed Sun 10am - 1pm Mon-Sat Closed Sun 10am - 1pm Mon-Sat 12md-2pm Sun 10am - 12md, 7pm - 9pm Closed Sun 10am - 12md, 7pm - 9pm Mon-Fri 10am – 12md Sat

Closed sun 4pm-5pm Mon-Sat Closed Sun

How many Gardaí in the station  One One Nil Nil One One

How far away the new station  14 KM 9 Km 20 Km 12 Km 11 KM 10 Km

How far away the next 24 hour  27 KM 21 Km 20 Km 16 Km 12 KM 13 Km

Gardaí transferred to  Killala Crossmolina N/A N/A Castlebar Ballinrobe

Division  Roscommon

Longford RoscommonLongford Roscommon

Longford Roscommon

Longford Roscommon

Longford Roscommon


Station  Ballintubber Ardagh Ballinalee Newtowncashel Ballyforan Knockcroghery

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open Open

Opening times  10pm - 1pm Mon-Fri 12md-2pm Sat/Sun 3pm - 5pm Mon-Fri

7pm - 9pm, 3 Saturdays per month


7pm - 9pm, 2 Sundays  per month 10am - 1pm Mon-Fri

8pm-10pm 1 Sat / 10am-1pm 1 Sat / 2pm-6pm 1 Sat.

8pm-10pm 1Sun/ 10am-1pm 1 Sun/ 2pm-6pm 1 Sun. 11am - 1pm Mon-Fri

11am - 1pm, 2 Saturdays per month

11am-1pm, 2pm-5pm, 1 Sunday  per month 10am - 11am Mon-Fri

6pm - 7pm Sat

Closed Sun 10am - 11am Mon-Fri

6pm - 7pm Sat

Closed Sun

How many Gardaí in the station  Nil Nil One One One Nil

How far away the new station  8 KM 9 Km 11 Km 10 KM 9 Km 10 Km

How far away the next 24 hour  8 KM 15 Km 12 Km 28 KM 24 Km 10 Km

Gardaí transferred to  N/A N/A Granard Lanesboro Ballygar N/A

Consolidation of currently operational Garda Stations – Eastern Region

  Division  Laois

Offaly Laois

Offaly Laois

Offaly Wicklow Wicklow Kildare Kildare Kildare

Station  Shannon Bridge Ballacolla Ballianakill Donard Hollywood Kill Ballymore

Eustace Ballytore

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

Opening times  3pm - 5pm Mon-Sat

Closed Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Fri

10am-1pm Alternate Sat&Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Fri

10am-1pm Alternate Sat&Sun 11am-1pm Mon – Sat

Closed Sundays 11am-1pm Mon – Fri

8pm – 10pm Sat

Closed Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sun 2pm-4pm                 Mon-Sat      Closed Sun 10am-1pm


7pm-9pm Sat

Closed Sun

How many Gardaí in the station  One One One One One One and One Sgt Two One

How far away the new station  20 KM 6 Km 6 Km 10 Km 11 Km 7 KM 11  Km 13 KM

How far away the next 24 hour  28  KM 8 Km 6 Km 16 Km 17 Km 7 KM 11 Km 16 KM

Gardaí transferred to  Ferbane Abbeyleix Abbeyleix Blessington Blessington Naas Naas Athy

        Consolidation of currently operational Garda Stations –Eastern Region Division  Meath Meath Westmeath Westmeath Westmeath Westmeath

Station  Crossakiel Kilmessan Ballinahowan Castletown Geoghegan Finea Rathowen

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open Open

Opening times  N/A Opening Hours dictated by personnel availability 11am-1pm Mon-Fri 11am-1pm alternate sat

Closed Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sat


Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Fri

10-1pm &8pm-10pm alternate sat

10am-1pm,8pm-10pm every 2nd Sun

How many Gardaí in the station  Nil One One One One One

How far away the new station  11 KM 12 Km 12 Km 10 Km 9 Km 12 KM

How far away the next 24 hour  11 KM 12 Km 12 Km 15 Km 9 Km 23 KM

Gardaí transferred to  N/A Trim     Athlone  Kilbeggan Castlepollard Multyfarnham

                                            Consolidation of currently operational Garda Stations –Northern Region

Division  Cavan

Monaghan Cavan

Monaghan Cavan

Monaghan Cavan

Monaghan Cavan

Monaghan Cavan


Station  Bawnboy Shantonagh Redhills Stradone Corrinshigagh Newbliss

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open Open

Opening times  10am-1pm Mon-Sat 12md-2pm Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sat

12md-2pm Sun 6pm-7pm Mon-Fri

10am-1pm Sat

12md-2pm Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sat

12md-2pm Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sat

12md-2pm Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sat

12md-2pm Sun

How many Gardaí in the station  One One & One Sgt One One One One

How far away the new station  7 KM 14 Km 10 Km 11 Km 10 Km 9KM

How far away the next 24 hour  7 KM 14 Km 16 Km 11 Km 10 Km 17KM

Gardaí transferred to  Ballyconnell Carrickmacross    Cavan  Cavan Carrickmacross Clones

  Division  Donegal Donegal Donegal Donegal Donegal

Station  Malin Annagaire Gleann Cholm Cille Na

Brocacha Min an Labain

(Church Hill)

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open

Opening times  8.45pm - 9.45pm Mon-Fri 10am-1pm Mon-Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sun

How many Gardaí in the station  Two One  One Nil One

How far away the new station  6 KM 7 Km 11 Km 30 Km 15 Km

How far away the next 24 hour  26 KM 34 Km 34 Km 30 Km 15 Km

Gardaí transferred to  Carndonagh Bunbeag    Carrick  Ballybofey Letterkenny





Division  Sligo

Leitrim Sligo

Leitrim Sligo

Leitrim Sligo

Leitrim Sligo

Leitrim Sligo

Leitrim Sligo

Leitrim Sligo

Leitrim Sligo


Station  Aclare Ballyfarnon Easkey Cloone Dromod Keshcarrigan Dromahair Glenfarne Cliffoney

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

Opening times  10am – 1pm Mon-Sun 10am-11am, 2pm-3pm, 8pm-9pm Mon-Sat

10am-11am,  8pm-9pm Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sat

Closed Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sat

12md-1pm Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sat

12md-1pm Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sun

How many Gardaí in the station  One One  One One One  One  One  Nil One

How far away the new station  13 KM 6 Km 14  Km 8 Km 18  Km 14 Km 15 Km 14  Km 9 Km

How far away the next 24 hour  27 KM 16 Km 27 Km 25 Km 18 Km 14 Km 15 Km 14 Km 20 Km

Gardaí transferred to  Ballymote Tubbercurry Riverstown    Enniscrone  Carrigallen Carrick on Shannon Carrick on Shannon Manorhamilton Manorhamilton Grange

                                             Consolidation of currently operational Garda Stations –South Eastern Region

Division  Kilkenny

Carlow Kilkenny

Carlow Kilkenny

Carlow Kilkenny

Carlow Waterford Waterford Wexford

Station  Leighlinbridge Ballyragget Johnstown Inistioge Ballyduff Stradbally Kiltealy

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

Opening times  10am-1pm Daily 10am - 1pm or 6pm - 7pm, Friday 7pm - 8pm Mon-Fri 7pm-8pm Sat

Closed Sun 10am-1am or 2pm-3pm or 6pm-7pm or 8pm-pm Mon-Fri 10am -11am or 6pm - 7pm Sat2pm - 3pm or 8pm - 9pm Sun 16.30 - 17.30 except Tuesday 11.00 - 13.00 Mon-Fri

4.30pm - 5.30pm Sat

Closed Sun 10 am -12 noon or 7 pm to 8 pm according to how member is working Mon-Sun Members attached to Leamybrien  deal with issues pertaining to Stradbally 4pm-5pm Mon-Sat

Closed Sun

How many Gardaí in the station  Two One One & One Sgt Nil Nil Nil One

How far away the new station  5 KM 17  Km 4 Km 10 Km 8 Km 10 Km 13 Km

How far away the next 24 hour  13  KM 24  Km 21 Km 8  Km 17 Km 14 Km 16 Km

Gardaí transferred to  Muine Bheag Castlecomer Urlingford Graiguenamanagh Tallow Leemybrien Enniscorthy

Division  Tipperary  Tipperary Tipperary Tipperary Tipperary

Station  New Inn Grangemockler Terryglass Rearcross Dundrum

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open

Opening times  10am - 1pm or 3pm - 5pm Mon-Fri Closed Sat & Sun 10am - 1pm or 2pm to 5pm Mon-Fri

10am - 1pm or 2pm to 5pm Sat & Sun 3pm-4pm Mon-Sat

Closed Sun 2.30pm-4.30pm Mon-Fri

Closed Sat-Sun 10am-1pm or 2pm-4pm or 7pm-9pm Mon-Fri

10am-1pm or 2pm-4pm Sat10am-1pm or 2pm-4pm Sun

How many Gardaí in the station  One One Nil One One

How far away the new station  9 KM 8 Km 12 KM 15 Km 9 Km

How far away the next 24 hour  9 KM 22 Km 30  KM 34  Km 14 Km

Gardaí transferred to  Cashel Carrick on Suir Borrisokane Newport Tipperary Town

                                            Consolidation of currently operational Garda Stations – Southern Region

Division  Cork City Cork City Cork City Cork City Cork West  Cork West Cork West

Station  Barrack St McCurtain St Mallow Rd Rathduff Ballinspittle Adrigole Meelin

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

Opening times  9am-1pm, 2pm-6pm, 7pm-10pm Mon-Sat 10am-1pm, 3pm-6pm Sun Opened by Mayfield Gardaí Opened by Mayfield  Gardaí 9am-1pm Mon-Fri

9am-12md or 6pm-9pm Sat-Sun 10am - 1pm Mon-Sun 10am - 1pm Mon-Sun 6.30pm – 8.30pm on 6 days

How many Gardaí in the station  Four Sgts & 13 Gardaí Nil Two Sgts & four Gardaí Two Gardaí One One Nil

How far away the new station  1 KM 2 Km 4 Km 19  Km 8 KM 16 Km 8 KM

How far away the next 24 hour  1  KM 2  Km 4 Km 19  Km 16  KM 36 Km 16  KM

Gardaí transferred to  Anglesea St Mayfield Mayfield Mallow Kinsale Castletownbere Newmarket



Division  Kerry Kerry Kerry Kerry Kerry  Kerry Kerry Kerry Kerry

Station  Ballinskelligs Valentia Island Beaufort Kilgarvan Lauragh Brosna Abbeydorney Camp Fenit

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

Opening times  10am - 12md Mon-Sat Closed Sun 10am - 12md Mon-Fri

Closed sat-Sun 10am-1pm Mon-sun 10am - 1pm


Closed sat & Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sun 10am-1pm Mon-Sat

12md-2pm Sun 3pm-4pm Mon-Sat

Closed Sun 12md - 1pm Mon-Sat

Closed Sun 11am - 12md Mon-Sat

Closed  Sun

How many Gardaí in the station  One One One One Nil One One One One

How far away the new station  17  KM 20  Km 11 Km 11 Km 28  KM 12  Km 10 KM 3 Km 13  Km

How far away the next 24 hour  17  KM 20  Km 11 Km 32  Km 56  KM 30 Km 10  KM 3 Km 13 Km

Gardaí transferred to  Caherciveen Caherciveen Killarney Kenmare Kenmare Knocknageshal Tralee Tralee Tralee





Division  Limerick Limerick Limerick Limerick Limerick  Limerick

Station  Galbally Kilfinnane Mary St Castletown Conyers Kilmeedy Tournafolla

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open Open Open Open Open

Opening times  10am-1pm or 2pm-4pm or 7pm-9pm Mon-Fri 10am-1pm or 2pm-4pm Sat&Sun 10am - 1pm Mon-Sat

10am-1pm Sat/Sun 10am - 1pm Mon-Sat

10am-1pm Sat/Sun 10am - 1pm Mon-Sat

10am-1pm Sat/Sun 10am - 1pm Mon-Sat

10am-1pm Sat/Sun 10am - 1pm Mon-Sat

10am-1pm Sat/Sun

How many Gardaí in the station  One One Three Sgts & 14 Gardaí One One One

How far away the new station  5  KM 10  Km 2 Km 22 Km 8  KM 17  Km

How far away the next 24 hour  16  KM 20  Km 2 Km 22  Km 13  KM 19  Km

Gardaí transferred to  Ballylanders Kilmallock Henry St Newcastlewest Ballingarry Abbeyfeale





Division DMR East DMR East

Station Kill-O’Grange Stepaside

Open/closed – if closed for how long  Open Open

Opening times  7am-9pm (Public) daily 7am-9pm (Public) Daily

How many Gardaí in the station  2 Sgt & 26 Gardaí 3 Sgt & 31 Gardaí

How far away the new station  4 km 5km – Dundrum 9km – Blackrock

How far away the next 24 hour  4km 5km – Drndrum 9km – Blackrock

Gardaí transferred to Dun Laoghaire Dundrum Blackrock



Reduction in opening hours for certain stations

The Commissioner has also stated that the opening hours for seven stations will be reduced. The summary details are:

Division District Station Proposed opening hours to the public

 Anglesea Street  Bridewell 7 am to 9 pm daily

  Mayfield 7 am to 9 pm daily

  Watercourse Road Monday - Saturday 12 Noon to 9 pm

 Mayfield Glanmire Monday - Saturday 12 Noon to 9 pm

 Gurranabraher Gurranabraher 7 am to 9 pm daily

Cork City Togher Togher 7 am to 9 pm daily

DMR North  Ballymun Dublin Airport 7 am to 11 pm daily















Rationalisation of Garda Districts  

The 2013 Policing Plan also outlines the Commissioner’s proposals to amalgamate 28 current Districts which will produce 14 new enlarged Districts.  The main details are:

Region Division Current

Districts New

Enlarged Districts


 Galway Gort Loughrea


 Mayo Swinford Claremorris


 Roscommon/ Longford Boyle Castlerea


  Ennistymon Kilrush


WR Clare Killaloe Ennis


  Cobh Middleton (Apportionment of Cobh among

Middleton, Mayfield & Gurranabraher Districts)


 Cork North Kanturk

(Currently in Cork West) Mallow

(Apportionment of Kantrurk among

Mallow & Macroom Districts)


 Kerry Caherciveen Killarney


SR Limerick Askeaton Newcastlewest


 Donegal Glenties Ballyshannon (Apportionment of Glenties among Ballyshannon, Milford & Letterkenny Districts)


 Cavan/Monaghan Ballyconnell Cavan

  Carrick on Shannon

NR Sligo/Leitrim  Manorhamilton Carrick on Shannon


 Tipperary  Templemore Thurles (Apportionment of Templemore among

Thurles & Nenagh Districts)


SER Wexford Gorey Enniscorthy