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Minister Shatter Welcomes Garda Inspectorate Report on Front-Line Supervision

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter TD, today announced the publication of the Garda Inspectorate's Report which reviewed frontline supervision within An Garda Síochána. Accompanying the Report is an Implementation Plan prepared by the Garda Commissioner, Mr Martin Callinan, relating to the various recommendations contained in the Report.

The objective of the Inspectorate, established under the Garda Síochána Act 2005, is to ensure that the resources available to the Garda Síochána are used so as to achieve and maintain the highest levels of efficiency and effectiveness in the operation and administration of the Force, as measured by reference to the best standards of comparable police services.

The Report of the Inspectorate focuses on front-line policing and shows the continuing professionalism and high standards of the Inspectorate in its valuable work. The Minister welcomes their practical recommendations noting that some could be implemented with little cost.

While the Report was received in April last, it was decided to await publication pending the appointment of the new Garda Inspectorate Team and that the Garda Commissioner was given proper opportunity to give detailed consideration to the content and various recommendations in the Report and to prepare an implementation plan that addresses the various issues identified by the Inspectorate in the Report.

The Minister is pleased to publish the Implementation Plan in relation to the various recommendations (attached) and notes that work has already commenced on several of the issues raised in the Report. Indeed, many of these have been included amongst the initiatives to be achieved in 2013 under the current Garda Policing Plan, as well as under the objectives of the Garda Strategy Statement for 2013 – 2015.

The Report examines the level and the quality of supervision of front-line staff, with a particular focus on the role of uniformed Sergeants. It includes specific recommendations to enhance supervision and addresses existing barriers that weaken the effectiveness of frontline policing.

The key recommendations of the Report are that:

· More Sergeants should be released from office work to the visible


· Each Station operating a 24/7 service should have a Sergeant assigned

to outdoor supervision, and

· Resource allocation, availability and visibility should be given the

highest priority by An Garda Síochána.

The Report calls for a review of current roles throughout the Garda Síochána with a view to improving processes which would reduce administrative burdens and release Sergeants for front-line duties. Court attendance accounts for significant time use of Sergeants and the

Inspectorate recommends that the system which is in place in the Dublin Metropolitan Region be replicated nationwide. In the Dublin Region the Sergeant in charge completes a Court Schedule under the 1997 Criminal Justice Act and this document constitutes evidence that the defendant has been charged thus relieving officers of the responsibility to attend court on this matter. The Commissioner has commenced a review of the roles across the Force so as to ensure the proper deployment of all officers.

Speaking today, Minister Shatter said, "I welcome the publication of the Garda Inspectorate Report on Front-line Supervision the purpose of which is to ensure that resources to the Garda Síochána are used to very best effect. In the context of this Report, it is important to remember that considerable numbers of young men and women joined An Garda Síochána over the last ten years, which has led to a greatly reduced age-profile in the Garda rank. For leadership, career development and for mentoring, they look to their Sergeants and other supervisors for guidance. This Report sets out clearly the important role that Garda Sergeants must play in the delivery of an efficient and effective frontline policing service. I am currently in discussions with my colleague the Minster for Public Expenditure and Reform for a derogation on the moratorium to allow the Commissioner to make appointments at Sergeant and Inspector level".

There are several initiatives linked to enhancing the availability and use of resources.

· It is proposed that a pilot Computer-Aided Dispatch system (CAD), set

up in December 2010 for the improved management of human and mobile

resources, will be made available across the organisation.

· The Gardaí are also actively pursuing the introduction of a Resource

Allocation & Deployment System (RAD) to further enhance human

resource management throughout the Force (which they anticipate can

be funded from existing finances).

· A Performance Accountability and Learning Framework is currently

being piloted and is expected to be implemented throughout the Force

in the coming months.

· Training and development of members is being enhanced to maintain and

increase knowledge and skills of members.

· A more streamlined system for handling court attendance is being

developed which will reduce time spent by members attending court.

A new system of Rostering introduced in the Force last April, and which is

compliant with the EU Working Time Directive, records times, dates, duties

and absences of members thereby, facilitating supervisors and management in

ensuring resources available are deployed to meet operational demands. It

is intended that the review of current roles throughout the Garda Síochána

combined with the implementation of the new duty roster, will result in

more effective and efficient policing.

The need for new innovations such as centralised control rooms to provide

emergency response assistance is readily accepted and is included in the

Policing Plan for 2013.

The Minister, again, thanks the Inspectorate for its excellent and

comprehensive Report, and the Garda Commissioner for his Implementation

Plan in relation to the recommendations contained in the Report.

Please see link to Garda Inspectorate Report and Implementation Plan here:

11 March 2013