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€10million in funding announced for community and voluntary sector

Phil Hogan T.D., Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government todayannounced funding of €10m over the coming 30 months for 63 national community and voluntary organisations.

The funding is under the Scheme to Support National Organisations in the Community and Voluntary Sector and will contribute an annual amount of approx. €4m to the Sector, subject to the annual budgetary process.

Funding to national community and voluntary organisations under this Scheme is to cover core costs such as staff, administration and ongoing running expenses.   The new scheme will be for up to two and a half years and will operate to 31 December 2013, subject to an agreed work plan and periodic review.

Announcing the funding, Minister Hogan said...

“I am particularly delighted to announce today this substantial funding to 63 national Community & Voluntary organisations. This Government recognises the value of the great work carried out by such national voluntary organisations. The work of these organisations is vital to the State and complements State endeavours in the community area.

The Government will invest approx. €10m over the next two and a half years under this Scheme and I am confident that the many people who benefit from the work carried out by these groups will see the benefit of this investment”.

List of  organisations and amounts :

  • Acquired Brain Injury Ireland(Trading as the Peter Bradley Foundation) €50,000.00
  • Active Retirement Network Ireland €80,000.00
  • Age Action Ireland €50,000.00
  • Alzheimer Society of Ireland €75,000.00
  • Arthritis Ireland €65,000.00
  • Aspire €50,000.00
  • Barnardos €60,000.00
  • Breaking Through €70,000.00
  • Brí - The Acquired Brain Injury Advocacy Association €75,000.00
  • Business in the Community Ireland €50,000.00
  • Care Alliance Ireland €45,000.00
  • Caring for Carers Ireland Ltd €75,000.00
  • Carmichael Centre for Vol Groups €70,000.00
  • Centre for Independent Living €50,000.00
  • Children in Hospital Ireland €100,000.00
  • Children's Rights Alliance €100,000.00
  • Chronic Pain Ireland €45,000.00
  • Disability Federation of Ireland €55,000.00
  • Dyslexia Association of Ireland (DAI) €75,000.00
  • European Anti-Poverty Network €60,000.00
  • Football Association of Ireland €45,000.00
  • Foróige (NFTE) €40,000.00
  • Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC) €100,000.00
  • Genetic and Rare Disorders Organisation €20,000.00
  • GROW in Ireland €20,000.00
  • Huntington's Disease Association of Ireland Ltd €23,000.00
  • IASE (Irish Association for Supported Employment) €90,000.00
  • INCADDS Irish National Council of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Support Groups €40,000.00
  • Inclusion Ireland - €40,000.00
  • INOU €100,000.00
  • Irish Autism Action €90,000.00
  • Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH) €25,000.00
  • Irish Deaf Society €75,000.00
  • Irish Heart Foundation €50,000.00
  • Irish Motor Neurone Disease Assoc (IMNDA) €30,000.00
  • Irish Mountain Rescue €70,000.00
  • Irish National Community & Voluntary Forum (NCVF) €55,000.00
  • Irish Stammering Association €30,000.00
  • Migraine Association of Ireland €35,000.00
  • MOVE Ireland €50,000.00
  • Muintir na Tire €85,000.00
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland €60,000.00
  • Muscular Dystrophy Ireland €45,000.00
  • National Association for Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Irl €45,000.00
  • National Association for Youth Drama €35,000.00
  • National Association of Building Co-operatives (Nabco) €40,000.00
  • National Collective of Community-based Womens Networks €40,000.00
  • National Traveller Womens' Forum €40,000.00
  • National Youth Council of Ireland €50,000.00
  • Neurological Alliance of Ireland €60,000.00
  • New Communities Partnership €90,000.00
  • One Family €95,000.00
  • OPEN €100,000.00
  • Open Heart House €45,000.00
  • Post Polio Support Group €30,000.00
  • Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) €90,000.00
  • Safe Ireland €90,000.00
  • Show Racism the Red Card €35,000.00
  • Simon  Communities of Ireland €90,000.00
  • The Asthma Society of Ireland €50,000.00
  • The Carers Association €75,000.00
  • The Irish Traveller Movement €100,000.00
  • The Wheel €100,000.00

    TOTAL €3,818,000.00