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Statement by Minister Shatter in relation to the IRA admission of the killing of Brian Stack

In relation to the IRA admission of the killing of Brian Stack, Justice Minister Alan Shatter said:

While, of course, I hope that today's statement represents progress for the Stack family in their quest for the full truth behind the brutal killing of Brian Stack, the stark reality is that the Provisional IRA not only carried out this brutal killing but have hidden their involvement in it for decades. It is also a matter of great regret that in an admission of responsibility which comes 30 years too late attempts have been made to put this killing in the context of an allegedly brutal regime at Portlaoise Prison.

I met with the family of Chief Officer Brian Stack on the 3rd May and attended a memorial service in Portlaoise Prison where a bust in Chief Officer Stack's honour was unveiled.

Chief Officer Stack was not only a dedicated and committed servant of the Irish State but a loyal husband and father. His murder was not only a tragedy for his family but an attack on the foundations of this State.

I have been aware from the Garda Commissioner that the case has been the subject of a review by the Serious Crime Review Team and is with the National Bureau of Crime Investigation which, as a matter of course, liaises with families. While I have been aware of the frustration of members of the family at the difficulties which have arisen in establishing the truth of this case, we should not underestimate the challenges faced by An Garda Síochána when persons will provide information to others but not cooperate with their inquiries. It should be clear to everyone that what is needed now is for anyone who has information about this case to face up to their responsibilities and cooperate fully with An Garda Síochána in their investigation, rather than hide behind platitudes about difficulties in addressing the past. It is a simple and tragic fact that the killing of Brian Stack was a callous and premeditated murder which cannot be justified or explained away.