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Statement from the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government on MFG

The Department of Environment, Community and Local Government (DECLG) and Pobal have been informed by Meitheal Forbartha na Gaeltachta Teoranta (MFG) that it has decided to cease trading.

We are conscious of the direct impact which this decision will have on the company’s staff. We are also conscious of the impact it will have on those who receive services from the company.

A range of services which are funded by the Department or which are managed by Pobal, on behalf of Government Departments, are delivered in Gaeltacht areas through MFG.

The DECLG and Pobal  have today met with representatives of MFG Board and management. This meeting’s aims were to gain clarity on the company’s situation; on the steps which are being taken to ensure staff receive all entitlements and to assist in exploring options for alternative methods of delivering services.

The DECLG and Pobal will continue discussions with the other relevant parties to examine methods of sustaining services within Gaeltacht communities.