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Tánaiste to attend EU Foreign Ministers’ meeting and launch Irish Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore T.D., will attend the monthly meeting of European Union Foreign Ministers in Luxembourg on Monday.

Ministers will discuss the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in regard to Syria, the outcome of the presidential election in Egypt, and political progress in Bosnia-Hercegovina. On Syria, EU Ministers are expected to reinforce sanctions against the Syrian regime and to review the EU's approach to the crisis following the violations of the ceasefire agreement and the suspension of the operation of the UN observer mission.

Other items to be discussed include EU relations with Pakistan, the negotiations with Iran over its nuclear programme, and the situation in Belarus. There will also be a discussion on an EU strategic framework and action plan for advancing human rights and democracy. The Tánaiste will also attend the Ministerial meeting of EU Foreign Ministers with the Foreign Ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council.


While in Luxembourg, the Tánaiste will hold a bilateral meeting with his Luxembourg counterpart, Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, and he will launch the newly-established Luxembourg-Ireland Chamber of Commerce. The new Chamber of Commerce, supported by the Irish Embassy, will look to cement and expand cooperation, investment and business opportunities between the two countries. There is a sizeable and influential Irish business community in Luxembourg and close economic ties, particularly in the financial services sector. Luxembourg is also the home of the European Investment Bank.