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Taoiseach pays tribute to former Attorney General

The Taoiseach Mr Enda Kenny TD has paid tribute to former Attorney General Declan Costello who died today.

"I was deeply saddened to hear of the death of Declan Costello following a long illness.

During his career as a Dail deputy, as Attorney General, and, later, as a senior member of the judiciary, Declan Costello was a public servant of huge ability, fairness and integrity.

Early in his political career, Declan Costello was the intellectual powerhouse behind the development of the Just Society platform within Fine Gael, an initiative that helped to modernise the Party and broaden its appeal.

He had a huge commitment to the legal system and excelled in the roles of Attorney General, High Court Judge and President of the High Court. I particularly remember the speed and clarity of his inquiry into the Whiddy Island disaster in 1979.

To his family, I extend my deepest sympathy on the loss of a man who served his country with great distinction.