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The Government welcomes the publication of NESC’s report Promoting Economic Recovery and Employment in Ireland

The Government welcomes the publication of NESC’s report Promoting Economic Recovery and Employment in Ireland.

The report reflects the Council’s belief that Ireland’s implementation of a multi-annual fiscal consolidation and associated policies will not, on their own or as currently designed, be sufficient to promote an acceptable recovery of the economy and employment.

The report, therefore, explores whether there are additional policy measures that Ireland could take to encourage domestic demand, enhance the flow of credit to business, increase employment, reduce unemployment and strengthen business development. The Council names problems all of which are present now and urgent, such as weak domestic demand, credit and finance, unemployment and business weakness.

The report discusses policy possibilities which can help strengthen economic recovery and address the major challenges of unemployment, social inclusion and sustainable development. The Government welcomes this timely and relevant report which includes a number of recommendations which are being addressed through the Pathways to Work strategy for labour market activation and the Government’s forthcoming Action Plan for Jobs.

The Council also suggests a range of ideas where further analysis and work is required and the Government will ensure that these are pursued either through the Council itself or under the aegis of the relevant Cabinet Committees.

(The Report is available on