Category Index

Richard Bruton TD, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation today [Tuesday] welcomed receipt of the Report of the Labour...

As European Energy Ministers started their meeting in Dublin Castle this afternoon Minister Rabbitte put the agenda in context....

Two new statistical releases bring together for the first time ever the key data on government finances produced by the CSO...

Mayor McLoughlin and his fellow Councillors, Deputy O’Dea, Secretary General, Chief of Staff, Rev. Fathers, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen...

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., has today invited patron bodies to apply for the patronage of four new primary schools due to be established in September 2014...

The Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton T.D. and John Martin, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)....

Today, Minister of State at the Department of Defence, Mr Paul Kehoe, T.D., reviewed the members of the 108th Infantry...

At today’s meeting of EU Agriculture Ministers, Minister Coveney reported back to his colleagues on recent discussions with the European....

Today Monday 22nd April, 2013 Jimmy Deenihan T.D., Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and Chair of the National Famine Commemoration...

. The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, and the Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn TD, published....

