Category Index

Joan Burton TD, Minister for Social Protection, today (Thursday 26th April 2012) launched a new report on understanding childhood deprivation in...

I was greatly saddened to learn today of the death of Louis le Brocquy. Louis was one of the greatest artists of his generation and earned critical acclaim for...

25th April 2012 Taoiseach Enda Kenny today officially marked Job Shadow Day 2012 with the Irish Association for Supported Employment (IASE) and Cian O’Connor who shadowed the Taoiseach as he went about his official duties...

A Cheann Comhairle, The Government is opposing the Motorist Emergency Relief Bill sponsored by Deputy Dooley to provide for quarterly reviews of excise duty and the...

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine today confirmed that it has lifted the restrictions in the 1km zone which had been imposed following...

77 schools around the country have been given the green light to replace rented prefabs with permanent classrooms...

77 schools around the country have been given the green light to replace rented prefabs with permanent classrooms....

Environment Minister Phil Hogan today noted reports that the Supreme Court proceedings in relation to Priory Hall have now been postponed for three...

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr. Alan Shatter T.D. today published the reports of the Cloverhill Prison, Cork Prison, Mountjoy Prison...

Shane McEntee TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, today officially launched the All Ireland Sheep Shearing and...

