Category Index

I thank Senator White for bringing forward Employment Equality (Amendment)(No.2) Bill 2012....

Minister for Research and Innovation, Mr Sean Sherlock TD represented Ireland at the European Space Agency Ministerial Council which took place in Naples on 20th & 21st November 2012...

Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, will this evening (Wednesday 21st November 2012) launch Tim Pat Coogan's latest book 'The Famine Plot: England's Role in...

I move: That the Bill be now read a Second Time. Cathaoirleach, I am pleased to present the Personal Insolvency Bill 2012 to the House....

Minister of State for Training and Skills Ciaran Cannon will this week lead Ireland’s largest ever education mission to India. He will visit New Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai, the country’s main...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today gave his statement to the Dáil in advance of the European Council meeting this week, 22nd and 23rd November...

The Minister of State for Training and Skills, Ciarán Cannon TD, will this week lead Ireland’s largest ever education mission to India. He will visit New Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai, the...

The Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly T.D., today (Wednesday 21st November, 2012), acknowledged the significance of the 5th European Antibiotic Awareness Day, a Europe....

The extraordinary meeting of the European Council on Thursday and Friday will be an important one, with significant implications for the Union over the coming years...

The Government welcomes the publication of NESC’s report Achieving Quality in Ireland’s Human Services – A Synthesis Report, which is the culmination of a series of publications by...

