Category Index

Taoiseach Kenny and EC President Barroso held a press conference following a meeting in Brussels this morning. The video can be viewed below...

The Taoiseach, Enda Kenny T.D., will travel to Brussels today (Thursday 13th October 2011) for a meeting with the President of the European Commission, Mr. José Manuel Barroso, ahead of the meeting of the European Council and of...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny spoke at the Irish Hospice Foundation's 2011 Forum on End of Life, held in Croke Park, Dublin. The Taoiseach, introduced by Forum patron...

Mr Pat Rabbitte, T.D., Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources today announced appointments at Commissioner level at the telecommunications regulator, ComReg....

I have a huge affection for the Irish Hospice Foundation.....huge respect for their work. I share their vision that no one should have to face death or bereavement without the appropriate care and support....

Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney today commented today on the legal proposals presented by the European Commission on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy. The Minister said “It is good that the legal...

Simon Coveney TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine welcomes the announcement today by his colleague Mr. Phil Hogan, Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government on granting an extension for...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, commented today on the legal proposals presented by the European Commission on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy. The Minister...

Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Michael Ring TD is tomorrow (Thursday) attending the Informal Meeting of EU Sport Ministers in Cracow, Poland....

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to be here to provide the opening address for this morning’s conference. I am particularly impressed by the IPA’s choice of title for this event – Next Stages in Public Service Reform – Challenges and Choices. I...

