
Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald has announced a package of additional measures to tackle gangland crime. Additional resources will be ring-fenced to allow Gardai to sustain and intensify...

Two new strategies launched today will seek to bring in 25% more visitors from Spain & Italy over the next four years....

Every Friday, we bring you the top five Government news stories of the week. Catch up on what you might have missed here...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny will today meet with His Majesty King Abdullah II of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, who is making an official visit to Ireland...

The President has today dissolved Dáil Éireann and has summoned the incoming Dáil to meet on Thursday, 10 March, 2016, at 10.30 a.m.

Commenting on today’s figures, Finance Minister Michael Noonan said...

Business & Employment Minister Ged Nash today welcomed the news from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) that the unemployment rate has fallen to 8/6%, the lowest rate in seven years....

A Commission of Investigation is the be established into events at a foster home in the South East....

Education Minister Jan O’Sullivan launched Phase 1 of the implementation of a new Leaving Certificate subject, Politics and Society today...

It is with great sadness that I learned this morning of the passing of legendary broadcaster Terry Wogan. Terry's humour and wit were unparalleled and he graced the top of his broadcasting profession for decades as a reassuring voice on the BBC...

