
Groundbreaking legislation will enshrine in law a right to access birth certificates, birth and early life information for people who have questions in relation to their origins...

Post Cabinet Statement – Recovery and Resilience: The Path Ahead...

Over 376,600 receive the Pandemic Unemployment Payment this week, a decrease of over 8,500 on last week

No one left behind as inequalities is a key focus for Healthy Ireland...

Minister for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation, Robert Troy T.D., today announced he has secured government approval for the priority drafting of the Companies (Small Company Administrative Rescue Process and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021...

Inniu (Dé Máirt, 11 Bealtaine), d’fhógair an tAire Oideachais Norma Foley TD agus an tAire Stáit le freagracht don Oideachas Speisialta Josepha Madigan TD go gcuirfear cláir leathnaithe oideachais samhraidh ar fáil do dhaltaí a bhfuil riachtanais speisialta oideachais casta acu agus dóibh siúd is mó atá i mbaol mhíbhuntáiste oideachais, mar bheart freagartha paindéime Covid-19, don samhradh 2021..

Minister for Education Norma Foley TD and Minister of State with responsibility for Special Education Josepha Madigan TD today (Tuesday, 11 May) announced the provision of expanded summer education programmes for pupils with complex special educational needs and those at greatest risk of educational disadvantage, as a Covid-19 pandemic response measure, for summer 2021...

The Government today approved plans for a revised National Referral Mechanism (NRM) to make it easier for victims of human trafficking to come forward and be supported. Minister of State for Civil and Criminal Justice, Hildegarde Naughton TD has also received approval to draft a general scheme of a Bill to put the new NRM on a statutory footing...

The Minister of State for European Affairs, Thomas Byrne, T.D., will discuss Covid-19 Coordination and the Conference on the Future of Europe, at a meeting of the General Affairs Council (GAC) in Brussels on Tuesday 11 May...

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of 0 additional deaths related to COVID-19...

