
An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar has extended his deepest sympathies to the family and friends of the Garda who died following a shooting incident in Co Roscommon.

‘A Vision for Change’ ended its ten-year-term in 2016 and the mental health landscape in Ireland has changed dramatically since 2006. Sharing the Vision is the successor policy and was agreed by Cabinet two weeks ago...

An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar and Minister for Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan have announced €25 million in extra supports to help the Arts and Culture sector recover from the Covid19 Emergency.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD, Minister for Health Simon Harris TD, Minister for Transport Shane Ross and Anne Graham, CEO of the National Transport Authority (NTA) have today launched a campaign on face coverings.

At its meeting today, the Government nominated the Hon. Ms. Justice Mary Irvine for appointment as President of the High Court by the President of Ireland.

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D., today announced Cabinet approval for an allocation of €50 million to provide for a support scheme for beef finishing farms which have been severely impacted by the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh TD, the Minister for Health Simon Harris TD and Minister of State for Disability Issues Finian McGrath today (Friday 12 June 2020) announced Summer Provision 2020 – a significantly expanded programme for children with special needs and students in DEIS schools.

The COVID-19 Nursing Homes Expert Panel is inviting written submissions as part of its work...

Statement from the National Public Health Emergency Team...

An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar TD, and Jim Daly, Minister for Mental Health and Older People today launched a significant new approach to mental health care - the HSE online CAMHS Connect service.

