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Harris - Help for flood victims

Office of Public Works Minister Simon Harris today paid tribute to the workers involved in the response to Storm Desmond. In advance of his meeting, tomorrow, with the Government's Emergency Flood Committee, he referred to the options for people who have been affected by the Storm saying:

I want to thank all of the staff who have been involved in the many different elements of the Government's response to Storm Desmond. We are working around the clock and assisting all of the State Agencies and Local Authorities, Army, Gardai, ESB and others to assist householders, businesses and farmers who are being affected by Storm Desmond.
I remind people that there is assistance available through Community Welfare Officers, where there is immediate access to funds to help provide provisions for anyone affected by the storm. This assistance is available to everyone, and not just to those receiving welfare payments. We are paying out this assistance immediately, and with the minimum of paper work involved. Government is also now making funding available, for businesses affected by the Storm, with an easy to access scheme, run through the Red Cross, which cuts out red tape, and aims to provide businesses with urgent financial support before Christmas. My Office ( Office of Public Works ) can also provide up to half a million euro to Councils for projects which can reduce the risk of flooding.

The Minister also pointed out that the Government will spend over €430m on flood relief projects over the next five years, which is more than had been spent in the previous twenty years.