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Ireland 2016 commemoration initiative launched

1916postTaoiseach Enda Kenny, Minister Heather Humphreys and former Taoiseach Liam Cosgrave at the launch in the GPO last night.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny, Tánaiste Joan Burton, Arts Minister Heather Humphreys and Minister of State Aodhán Ó Ríordáin today launched Ireland 2016; a national initiative which includes a programme of events to mark the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising.

Ireland 2016, led by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, will develop, coordinate and deliver a programme of activity to honour and remember those who fought and those who died in the 1916 Rising, to reflect on the legacy of that period and to look towards our future. A number of formal State events will be held over Easter weekend 2016, including a military ceremony to be led by 1916 relatives on Easter Sunday, 27th March 2016. Other key events will include a special State Reception for relatives on Saturday, March 26th, and a commemoration at Arbour Hill on Sunday, April 24th, to mark the date of the Rising.

Ireland 2016 is based on five intersecting themes:

  • Remember: recalling our shared history on the island of Ireland;
  • Reconcile: honouring all who have built peace and brought people together;
  • Imagine:  releasing the creativity of our people, in particular our young people;
  • Present: creatively showing our achievements to the world;
  • Celebrate:  family, community and friendship and renew our commitment to the Proclamation ideals of liberty and equality.

Ireland 2016 will encompass a range of initiatives including:

  • Permanent Reminders: €22 million in 2015 for seven flagship capital projects to be developed by Easter 2016
  • State Events: national ceremonies, parades and events will take place to remember those who participated in the Rising and will involve the relatives
  • Culture Programme: A rich cultural programme will be developed in co-operation with our National Cultural Institutions, the Arts Council and Culture Ireland
  • Young People: A special Education Commemorative Programme will be prepared with the Department of Education and Skills
  • Community: The Department of Arts will lead an extensive consultation programme with local government and community groups to facilitate ground up initiatives across the country
  • Diaspora: Through our Embassy network, talks, exhibitions, seminars and cultural events will be held to present Ireland 2016 to the world
  • Language: a number of projects are being progressed to reflect the esteem with which the Irish language was held by the 1916 Leaders
  • Commemorative Stamps: A special set of commemorative stamps and a series of coins will be issued.

Further details on Ireland 2016 are available

Read the full press release here.

Read the Taoiseach's speech from the launch here.

Read the Tánaiste's speech from the launch here.

Read Minister Humphreys' speech from the launch here.