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Ministers Kelly and Coffey welcome 46% Decrease in Rough Sleeping in Dublin

Environment Minister Alan Kelly and Minister of State Paudie Coffey have today noted details of the Dublin Region rough sleeper count and welcome the 46% decrease in the number of individuals sleeping rough from the 168 recorded at the same time last year.

The Dublin Region Homeless Executive conducted a rough sleeper count on the night of the 30th November. A total of 91 rough sleepers were recorded – this compares to the 168 that were recorded in November 2014. The Dublin Region Housing Executive’s rough sleeper count is conducted by trained staff, from within statutory and voluntary homeless services, using a robust and consistent method of enumerating rough sleepers – it is the only methodology that is accepted across the various stakeholders.

Speaking today Minister Kelly said

While I am pleased to see a decrease in the number of rough sleepers, unfortunately there are still some individuals with complex needs, mainly as a result of addiction or mental health issues, that are not availing of emergency accommodation. All efforts continue to assertively engage with such individuals and to direct them to the appropriate HSE healthcare and social services.

I am also pleased to see that the number of homeless family presentations last month was down to 60. Figures for the last number of months have shown the number of presentations to be in the 70s. 

Taken together with the decrease in the numbers presenting as homeless, the implementation of the Cold Weather Initiative and the increase being seen in Homeless HAP recipients since I increased the rent threshold to 50% above normal limits, I am pleased to see that the numbers sleeping rough to have fallen by 46% since last year. While even one rough sleeper is one too many, progress is welcome.

Minister Coffey said

Government are doing everything possible to deal with the homelessness situation by implementing a series of policy measures and we are now beginning to see a reduction in the rough sleep count in our Capital City.

Read the press release here.