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Plenary Meeting of the North South Ministerial Council

Taoiseach Enda Kenny will chair the twenty second plenary meeting of the North South Ministerial Council in Dublin Castle this morning.

The Taoiseach will lead members of his Cabinet who will be meeting collectively with the Northern Ireland Executive.

The meeting provides the new Irish Government and the new Northern Ireland Executive with the opportunity to meet formally for the first time and exchange views on a wide range of issues of mutual interest and concern, especially in light of the recent UK referendum decision to leave the EU.

The Taoiseach will raise the possibility of developing an all island forum with the support of political parties, North and South, to discuss the joint challenges arising from the UK decision.

Speaking in advance of the meeting the Taoiseach said:

I look forward to meeting with First Minister Foster, deputy First Minister McGuinness, and their colleagues in the Northern Ireland Executive. This plenary meeting will provide an opportunity for us to have a strategic and constructive discussion on the impact of the referendum for Northern Ireland and the all Island implications of the vote, and how we are going to work together to protect the interests of all our citizens on the island of Ireland.

We will also take the opportunity to emphasise the Government’s full support for preserving and strengthening North-South co-operation, and discuss the commitments set out in the Fresh Start Agreement in relation to cross-border infrastructure including the A5, Ulster Canal and the Narrow Water Bridge Project.