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Taoiseach marks Job Shadow Day

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today officially marked Job Shadow Day 2012,with the Irish Association for Supported Employment (IASE) and Cian O’Connor who shadowed the Taoiseach as he went about his official duties.

23 year-old Cian, from Dundrum,  has worked at Pinocchio's restaurant in Ranelagh since last year's Job Shadow Day.

Job Shadow Day sees hundreds of individuals with disabilities throughout Ireland take the opportunity to shadow a workplace mentor as he or she goes through a normal working day. Hundreds of employers throughout Ireland are involved.

The event also marked the announcement of a comprehensive new

Employers Guide to Supported Employment

, which aims to increase visibility of Supported Employment through access to information and guidance on hiring people with disabilities. Along with the IASE, STEP Supported Employment worked with, Ireland’s leading recruitment website, to build this “one stop shop” website which provides employers with all of the information they need to hire an individual with a disability.  The website will be hosted exclusively on the website at


The National Job Shadow Initiative is designed to give people with disabilities a unique opportunity to get a close up look at the world of work for one day or one week in April each year, enabling them to discover and learn about the skills and education required to compete and succeed in the work place.

Listen to the Taoiseach's comments on Job Shadow Day below...