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Weekly Round Up - December 7th - 11th

Every Friday, we bring you the top five Government news stories of the week. Catch up on what you might have missed here. Click on the headlines to read the fully story.

20151207 InfosysPost3

Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Minister Bruton speak with Mohit Joshi of Infosys and Eileen Sharpe of IDA Ireland

250 new technology jobs as Infosys expands Irish operation

The week got off to a good start with technology company Infosys announcing their expansion on Monday, creating 250 new jobs. Established in India in 1981, Infosys will establish their first research & development centre outside India as part of their expansion in Ireland. The company will also open a second Irish facility to house up to 155 people who will provide IT services to Infosys clients.

Details of €5m flood relief scheme announced

Defence Minister Simon Coveney announced details of a relief scheme for those affected by the flooding this week arising from Storm Desmond. The scheme will provide emergency humanitarian support to to small businesses that have been unable to secure flood insurance. The Minister said: 

I hope this scheme will go some way towards alleviating the hardship suffered by small businesses adversely affected by flooding throughout the country. I have found the determination of businesses to get back on their feet inspirational. I hope that by introducing this scheme quickly it can provide much needed support to businesses affected.

20151210 RapeCrisisCEntreRibbonCut

Taoiseach Enda Kenny cuts the ribbon at the DRCC as Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald, DRCC Chief Executive Ellen O'Malley Dunlop and DRCC Chairperson Ann-Marie Gill look on

Taoiseach opens McGonnell House: the now permanent home of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre

On Thursday, the Taoiseach officially opened the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre's (DRCC) headquarters on Leeson Street.

The building hass been home to the DRCC for over 26 years but has now become the centre's permanent home. After the premises was put on the market for sale, the DRCC was able to buy it thanks to benefactor Brendan McGonnell. Mr McGonnell passed away recently, and the building has been named in his honour. The DRCC has said it has seen many more victims of rape and sexual abuse come forward since the publication of reports such as Ferns, Ryan, Murphy and Cloyne over the past 10 years. 

National 24-Hour Helpline 1800 77 8888  

Legislation to tackle alcohol misuse approved

This week the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill was approved by Cabinet. Health Minister Leo Varadkar held a press conference to brief the media on the main points of the bill, which includes minimum unit pricing for alcohol. 

20151208 Innovation2020robotPost

The Taoiseach and Ministers Bruton & English meet HERME, a robot trained to have conversations with humans by researchers at the ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology. HERME is held by Olivia Waters of ADAPT.

Taoiseach launches Innovation 2020

On Tuesday, the Taoiseach launched the Government's 5-year strategy for research and development, science and technology. It's aimed at building on existing infrastructures and achieving ambitious private-public collaborations. The Taoiseach, Jobs Minister Richard Bruton and Minister of State Damien English were at the second annual Innovation Showcase to launch the strategy.