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Department of Social Protection offers assistance to Talk Talk workers

Minister for Social Protection, Ms Joan Burton today announced a plan to deliver the Department of Social Protection’s services to people facing redundancy from the Talk Talk facility in Waterford City.

In announcing the plan Minister Burton said:

My Department has made contact this morning with the Human Resources Department in Talk Talk, and representatives from my Department and FAS will meet with the employer tomorrow morning, with a view to quickly bringing necessary services to their employees at this difficult time.

I am very aware of the financial pressures faced by families in the current climate and I hope that, by taking action quickly, my Department can help to ease some of the worries now facing the workers as a result of this devastating news.

Staff representatives from the Department of Social Protection, the Community Welfare Service, Money Advice and Budgeting Services (MABS) and FÁS will attend the Talk Talk facility as soon as possible to make an information presentation to staff and conduct Q&A sessions.