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First visit by Taoiseach to Belfast and Armagh

Taoiseach Enda Kenny will travel to Belfast today for his first visit to the city since he became Taoiseach.  

He will be the guest of honour this evening at the Aisling Awards ceremony where he will deliver the keynote address and present the Person of the Year Award.  His speech will cover current economic challenges and commemoration of significant centenary anniversaries over the next few years.

His first engagement in Belfast will be a courtesy call on the First Minister Peter Robinson and deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness at Stormont Castle.

He will then visit two Belfast community projects in the Newtownards Road and the Short Strand to see some of the important work being done on the ground.

The Taoiseach will then attend the Aisling Awards ceremony and dinner at the Europa Hotel.  

The Taoiseach also hopes to have the opportunity to meet with Geraldine Finucane during his visit.

On Friday morning he will begin the second day of his trip with a Business Breakfast Meeting with leaders of companies and organisations across Northern Ireland.  He will address them on economic issues and on Ireland’s recovery.  

His last stop in Belfast will be to visit Belfast City Hall where he will be welcomed by Sinn Féin Lord Mayor Niall O’Donnghaile and also members of the City Council.

The Taoiseach will depart Belfast for Armagh to attend the plenary meeting of the North South Ministerial Council, accompanied by members of the Cabinet. The meeting will be hosted by the First and deputy First Ministers

He will conclude his two day visit to Northern Ireland with a brief tour of Armagh city.