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Minister Quinn welcomes the establishment of a fund to support the needs of survivors of residential institutional child abuse

Education Minister Ruairí Quinn today welcomed the publication of Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Bill which provides for the establishment of a Statutory Fund to support the needs of survivors of residential institutional child abuse.

The Minister said: “15,000 former residents are expected to be eligible to apply for support from the Fund and every effort is being made to minimise the administration involved.”

“Some former residents advocate a simple distribution of the available money. However, I believe that the Fund should target resources at services to support former residents’ needs, such as counselling, psychological support services and mental health services, health and personal social services, educational services and housing services.”

While the Residential Institutions Redress Board provides financial compensation to those who suffered abuse while resident in the institutions, the new Statutory Fund will focus on meeting specified needs that many survivors have as they struggle with the effects of abuse that may have taken place many years ago.

The Fund will be financed from the cash contributions, of up to €110 million, offered by the religious congregations. To date, contributions of €21.05 million have been received from the congregations towards the Fund.

Read the full press release here.