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Minister of State Naughton Welcomes First Meeting of the Interdepartmental Group for the Delivery of Offline Services

Minister of State Hildegarde Naughton TD, has today welcomed the first meeting of the interdepartmental group which is to examine the potential for a centralised one-stop-shop approach by Government for the delivery of offline services, whether through ‘assisted digital’ or ‘offline’ channels. Government agreed to establish the high-level interdepartmental group on the recommendation of Minister Naughton, who has responsibility for An Post within the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. The pandemic has accelerated public engagement with digital Government services. We must however ensure access remains available through traditional channels where needed and that service delivery continues to meet the needs of the public. The group has been asked by Government to explore how more Government business can be directed to the Post Office Network. Minister Naughton said:

“An Post have, in recent years, diversified its service, transforming the largest retail network in the country. Government is committed to working with An Post and postmasters to ensure that the network continues to play a strong role in delivering State services. Every effort will be made to give effect to the Government commitment to ensure a sustainable and viable post office network and that all available options will be given full consideration.

A lot of work has been done over the past few years to develop the network and this has had a positive effect for both Postmasters and customers. This momentum needs to be maintained and if An Post, the Postmasters and Government work together we can ensure that the network can emerge as a central hub for a wide variety of valuable community-focused services.” The Inter -Departmental Group is co-chaired by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform will report back to Cabinet no later than the end of July.