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Statement by An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny on the occasion of the Memorial Service celebrating the life of Thomas Foley


On my own behalf and on behalf of the Government and people of Ireland, I wish to convey our deepest sympathy to Heather and to the many friends and admirers of Tom Foley, whose life is being celebrated today in the place where he served his country with such distinction, the US Capitol.

Speaker Foley was a good friend of Ireland and was one of a talented generation of Irish American politicians who rose to the highest offices in the United States but who remained proud of their Irishness. Speaker Foley exemplified the best of Irish America in answering the call to public service and through his courtesy and quiet diplomacy contributed so much to the United States in his years as a public representative and subsequently as US Ambassador to Japan.

Throughout his life he encouraged and supported the search for peace in Ireland and successive Irish Taoisigh and Governments benefited from his support and encouragement over the years. I know he took pride in his contribution to peace in Ireland and continued to follow and support peace and reconciliation efforts at the Governmental and societal level.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam dílis.