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Tánaiste commends the resolution on the Constitutional Convention to Dáil Eireann

Speaking at the conclusion of speeches on the Resolution on the Constitutional Convention to Dáil Eireann, Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore said:

The Constitutional Convention is an opportunity for a wider, more inclusive form of democracy.  

It is a way of engaging, not just the citizens who will participate, but a wider national conversation.  A conversation about the kind of country we want to live in, and the principles we want to live by.

It is an innovation in Irish public life, and an exciting one.  I have no doubt that it will challenge each of us individually, as citizens, and collectively as part of the political system. 

Ultimately, our democracy will always depend on the willingness of individuals to perform the duties of citizenship.  The Constitutional Convention will, once more, call on all of us to play our part.

Read the Taoiseach's full speech on the Convention here.