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Successful completion of final quarterly review of EU/IMF programme for 2011

Ireland has successfully concluded the final quarterly programme review mission for 2011 with the EU Commission, the ECB and the IMF. In each quarter Ireland has consistently achieved all of the targets set under our programme of assistance.

On welcoming the successful conclusion of the review, Minister Noonan stated:

I and my Government colleagues are pleased that the staff mission has assessed the programme to be on track and that all measures in the programme have been fully implemented. This successful outcome illustrates the ability of the Irish State to implement a challenging programme effectively...

The Government is fully committed to putting our economy and public finances on a sustainable basis. Assisting the private sector to create jobs is our primary goal. We are broadening our tax base so as to ensure that we have the available funds to pay for the high quality public services that our citizens require. The Government wants to make sure that that the provision of quality public services is not subject to the every whim of the international money markets.

The Government is fully aware that there is much to do in relation to our primary goal – to get Ireland back working. I and my colleagues are speedily implementing the budget measures that are targeted at key growth sectors within our economy. In addition, the Government will be shortly setting out additional measures under the Pathways to Work initiative and the Action Plan for Jobs.

Minister Howlin on the conclusion of the visit stated:

The Government is committed to meeting our targets under the programme as continuing to do so is the best way of ensuring that the programme succeeds and for us to return to the market. A substantial number of actions under the programme, some 90, have been successfully completed to date. These measures have been designed to enhance the sustainability and competitiveness of the Irish economy.

Both Ministers concluded:

We welcome the fact that our programme remains on track and we continue to meet all our targets. Since the last review the 2011 exchequer returns confirmed that we comfortably met the deficit targets in the programme and we have introduced a budget which continues this sustainable path for our deficit. This is an essential step towards regaining economic stability, ensuring the sustainability of the public finances and providing the platform to deliver sustainable growth and jobs.

Read the full press release here.