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Summer Legislative Programme 2021 published

Government Chief Whip Jack Chambers has published the Legislative Programme for the summer 2021 Oireachtas session.

The programme contains 43 bills for prioritisation by Government ministers and has been approved for publication following a meeting of the Cabinet. It has been published following consultation with all government departments, officials and the Attorney General.

Minister Chambers said the Legislative Programme contained ambitious, exciting and important bills from across a range of Government Departments which will allow for the continued delivery on commitments in the Programme for Government.

“I am pleased we today published the Government’s third legislative programme since taking office last summer. In that time, the Government has published 39 bills and has enacted 37 pieces of legislation,” Minister Chambers said.

“The summer Legislative Programme contains 43 bills to be prioritised in the forthcoming term which will allow our country to grow and prosper as we continue to overcome the challenges presented by COVID19, while also delivering on the commitments in the Programme for Government. There are a number of hugely important bills included in the Programme which will have a transformative and positive impact.

Minister Chambers added: “One hugely important and significant piece of legislation is the Electoral (Reform) Bill which will establish a statutory, independent electoral commission to regulate online political advertising during election campaigns and modernise the electoral register, among a range of other necessary reforms.

“Separately, the Online Safety & Media Regulation Bill will establish a Media Commission and create a regulatory framework to tackle the spread of harmful content online which I know will be a really welcome and important intervention in the social media landscape.”

Eight Justice bills will be prioritised this coming term including the Criminal Justice (Smuggling of Persons) Bill, while four Health bills will be prioritised, including the Assisted Human Reproduction Bill to regulate for this area of healthcare.

The Sale of Tickets (Cultural, Entertainment, Recreational and Sporting Events) Bill by the Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment will protect consumers by banning the resale of tickets at a price above face value. The Statutory Sick Pay Bill, to deliver a statutory sick pay scheme for workers, is also being prioritised.

In addition, work will continue on the development, drafting and progression through the Houses of all other Schemes and Bills and not just those on the priority list.