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Tánaiste announces dates of 2nd Global Irish Economic Forum

Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore today announced today that the Government will host a second Global Irish Economic Forum in Dublin Castle on 7-8 October, 2011. The Tánaiste decided to hold the Forum this year given the important contribution it can make towards building Ireland’s reputation among the international Irish business community.  Speaking after today’s Government meeting at which the initiative was approved the Tánaiste said,

The Government recognises the valuable role the global Irish can play in Ireland’s economic recovery.  This Forum will provide an opportunity for us to meet with key members of the Diaspora and to discuss our priorities for economic renewal, job creation and the restoration of Ireland’s reputation abroad.

In addition to the Network members, a small number of senior Irish based individuals from the business and cultural worlds will be invited.  The Taoiseach, Tánaiste, Cabinet Ministers and senior representatives from Government Departments and State Agencies will also attend.  Referring to the important role played by the Global Irish Network, the Tánaiste noted,

Based across 37 countries, Network members provide Ireland with an invaluable resource of international expertise from which we can draw as we work towards economic recovery.  In the year since its inception, members have worked closely with the Government and State Agencies in promoting Ireland’s economic, cultural and tourism messages in key markets.  The Network is an important partner in our ongoing efforts to restore our international reputation.

The full press release is available here.