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Tánaiste congratulates Croatian people on referendum on EU accession

Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Eamon Gilmore who is travelling to Brussels for tomorrow's meeting of EU Foreign Ministers, this evening congratulated the Croatian people on their passing of a referendum on EU accession.

“Today the Croatian people have taken a decision that will forever change the path of their country, and change it, I firmly believe, for the better. Less than 20 years after the conflict that engulfed the former Yugoslavia the Croatian people have rebuilt their country from devastation and displacement to become a prosperous, modern liberal democracy.

Croatia has implemented many challenging reforms on its path to EU accession. It now not only embodies the ideals and values of the European Union, but also acts as a beacon for the other countries of the Western Balkans as they too work towards realising their European perspective.

The positive result is also a vote of confidence in the EU and its future. It is heartening for Ireland and the other EU Member States to be reminded, at this difficult time, that membership of the European Union remains an attractive prospect for our neighbours.

Ireland and Croatia enjoy warm relations. We have much to offer each other, in terms of our fruitful bilateral relationship and in our roles as members of the European Union.

I look forward to welcoming Croatia as the 28th EU member State in July 2013 and to working with them as the EU moves forward into a new era.”