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Taoiseach attends naming of new Naval Service Vessel LÉ Samuel Beckett

Taoiseach Enda Kenny inspects the honour guard

Taoiseach Enda Kenny inspects the honour guard

Taoiseach Enda Kenny unveils a photo of Samuel Beckett taken by John Minehan on board the LÉ Samuel Beckett. Also pictured are Caroline Murphy, niece of Samuel Beckett and the ship's captain Commander Ken Minehane Taoiseach Enda Kenny unveils a photo of Samuel Beckett taken by John Minehan on board the LÉ Samuel Beckett. Also pictured are Caroline Murphy, niece of Samuel Beckett and the ship's captain Commander Ken Minehane

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today attended the naming and commissioning ceremonies for the new Naval Service ship, LÉ Samuel Beckett beside the Samuel Beckett Bridge in Dublin city centre. The naming ceremony was carried out by a niece of Samuel Beckett, Mrs. Caroline Murphy.

In his address, An Taoiseach said that

It is a great pleasure for me as Taoiseach and Minister for Defence to welcome the new ship as it commences what I am sure will be a long and industrious career in service with the Defence Forces.

He commended everyone involved in the build project of the ship. He particularly thanked the main contractor Babcock Marine Appledore, part of the Babcock International Group in the United Kingdom, members of the Naval Service and the Department of Defence and everyone who played a part leading to the arrival of this very impressive Naval Service vessel into Dublin today.

The Taoiseach also said that

The naming and commissioning carried with it a great sense of pride and anticipation for all Naval Service personnel. LÉ Samuel Beckett will be a tremendous asset to the Naval Service. I know that the ship’s first captain, Commander Ken Minehane and his crew are eagerly looking forward to working up the new ship to its full potential.

Read the full press release here.

Read the Taoiseach's full speech here.