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Taoiseach congratulates Monsieur Francois Hollande on his election as President of France

Taoiseach Enda Kenny tonight congratulated President-Elect Monsieur Francois Hollande on his election as President of France.

I congratulate Monsieur Francois Hollande on his election as President of France.

These are challenging times for Europe but I believe that these challenges can be met and overcome with determination and a unity of focus on behalf of all member states. I look forward to engaging with Monsieur Hollande, particularly in relation to his already expressed desire for there to be an increased emphasis on the issues of jobs and growth in the EU. This is something I have been emphasising at EU leaders meetings since my election as Taoiseach.

I will be speaking to Monsieur Hollande in the coming days and I look forward to meeting him at our next EU leaders meeting.