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Taoiseach congratulates President Barack Obama on his re-election as President of the USA

I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere congratulations, and those of the Government, to Barack Obama on his re-election as President of the United States.

This morning I have written to both President Obama and Vice President Biden, on behalf of the Irish people, congratulating them on their great victory. Our countries enjoy an especially warm and friendly relationship. This has been strongly reflected during President Obama’s first term of office, never more so than during his wonderful visit to Ireland last year.

I am confident that the relationship between our two countries will continue to flourish during his coming term of office, as our administrations continue to work together across a range of policy areas in our respective efforts to boost our economies, increase trade and investment, and create new and sustainable jobs.

I also look forward to working closely with President Obama and the United States as Ireland assumes the Presidency of the European Union on 1 January 2013. I have already made clear that I see Ireland’s EU Presidency as an opportunity to seek to strengthen the ties between Europe and the United States, including in the area of international trade.

Once again, I offer my heartfelt congratulations to Barack Obama, to his wife Michelle, and to their two daughters.