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Taoiseach Nominates Labour Party Leader Joan Burton as Tánaiste

I have congratulated Joan Burton today on her election as leader of the Labour Party and confirmed that I have nominated her as Tánaiste.

We agreed to work closely together for the remainder of the Government’s term of office to fulfil the mandate given to our parties in 2011.

I look forward to working closely with the Tánaiste and her colleagues in the Labour Party as we build on the solid foundations that have been put in place by the Government in the past three years.

We will meet early next week to discuss the Government’s key priorities for the coming period, and changes in the composition of the Government.

I wish to pay a particular tribute to Eamon Gilmore for his work in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and for his role as Tánaiste. He and I have had to deal with many difficult decisions arising from the economic recession and I have always found him both understanding and courageous in standing up for our people. I thank him and wish him well for the future.