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Taoiseach Pays Tribute to Nelson Mandela

Taoiseach Enda Kenny tonight paid tribute to Nelson Mandela saying that, with his passing, 'a great light has been extinguished'."

Nelson Mandela was a freeman of our capital city and of the world.

The name Mandela stirred our conscience and our hearts. It became synonymous with the pursuit of dignity and freedom across the globe.

Today, a great light has been extinguished. The boy from the Transkei has finished his long walk. His journey transformed not just South Africa, but humanity itself.

As we mark his passing, we give thanks for the gift of Nelson Mandela. We ask that his spirit continues to inspire, guide and enlighten us as we strive to bring freedom and dignity to the family of man, our brothers and sisters, across the world.

I offer my deepest sympathies, on behalf of the Irish Government and people, to his family, to his friends and supporters, and to the Government and the people of South Africa.