
I welcome His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI's message for the 45th World Day of Peace 2012 and his theme of “Educating Young People in Justice and Peace”.

22nd December 2011 Watch Taoiseach Enda Kenny's Christmas message to the nation...

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today published the HEA / NCCA report From Transaction to Transition: Outcomes of the Conference on the...

Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney today announced payments totalling €1.235m to organisations involved in animal care and welfare services....

Irish company, a new ecommerce business, which designs and prints business cards and promotional materials for small businesses...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Arts Minister Jimmy Deenihan jointly officiated at the hand-over of the literary papers of Irish Nobel laureate Dr Seamus...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today announced that 528 jobs will be created over the next three years in 32 new high potential start-up...

20th December 2011 The Government today appointed Joe Costelloe as Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade with responsibility for Trade...

On 8 April, 2011 the High Court directed that publication of certain parts of the report of the Commission of Investigation into the handling by Church...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton and Energy Minister Pat Rabbitte today announced that Bord na Móna is to create 91 new jobs as part of a €6million...

