
Taoiseach Enda Kenny has addressed the American Ireland Fund 19th National Gala at the National Building Museum in Washington DC. In his address, the Taoiseach spoke of the Government’s plans for Irish economic recovery and the reasons to be “optimistic” about our economic...

Following a Business Leaders Lunch, the Taoiseach gave a 'doorstep' interview. Excerpts of the interview can be heard below...

Social Protection Minister Joan Burton travelled to London today for the start of a three day visit to promote Ireland as a leading tourist and business destination...

Transport Minister Leo Varadkar today began his St. Patrick's Day visit to India with a number of meetings in New Delhi. Mr. Varadkar's meetings covered a number of sectors including education, business, aviation and tourism. Minister Varadkar also met with the Indian Minister for...

Wednesday 16th March 2011 Taoiseach Enda Kenny today addressed his first public event since arriving in Washington as part of his St Patrick’s Day trip to the United States...

Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore, T.D., said the decision followed an appeal yesterday by the Japanese Government for European Union assistance in responding to earthquake and tsunami...

Agriculture, Food and Marine Minister Simon Coveney will attend his first EU Council of Agriculture Ministers in Brussels tomorrow. Ahead of the meeting, Minister Coveney said...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today begins his St Patrick's Day engagements in Washington. On the first day of his St Patrick's Day visit to Washington, the Taoiseach will focus on Ireland's trade, business and cultural links with the United States.

Justice Minister Alan Shatter has announced that new Ministerial Transport arrangements could save the Government up to €4 million. New arrangements in the provision of cars for Ministers and other Office Holders mean that Cabinet Ministers and other Office Holders such as ex Taoisigh and Presidents will...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has arrived in Washington D.C. for the traditional St Patrick’s Day celebrations at the White House. The Taoiseach has a full programme of engagements in Washington, DC over the next two days, including...

