
Transport Minister Paschal Donohoe today joined the Road Safety Authority and An Garda Síochána to launch a major tyre safety awareness campaign...

A Remembrance Wall listing the names of all those who died as a result of 1916 Rising has been unveiled...

An deireadh seachtain seo chaite, bhí imeachtaí comórtha agus paráid le haghaidh Comoradh Éirí Amach na Cásca. Seo bailiúchán d'íomhánna agus físeán faoin ócáid....

The Easter Sunday Commemoration Ceremony and Parade took place in Dublin yesterday. Collected here are photos and video material around the event.

This Easter weekend is going to see a lot of activity in Dublin and around the country to mark the centenary of the 1916 Rising. The main event...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today launched Census 2016. The census will take place on Sunday 24th April, giving the people of Ireland the chance to make their mark on the future...

The national flag is flying at half mast over Government Buildings as well as other public buildings today, as a mark of respect to those who died in the attacks...

The deplorable attacks in Brussels today have highlighted starkly once again the threat from international terrorism....

Foreign Affairs Minister Charlie Flanagan has expressed his shock at this morning's explosions in Brussels...

Foreign Affairs Minister Charlie Flanagan today expressed his horror and sadness at the bombing in central Istanbul....

