
The Bovine TB Stakeholders Forum held its 15th meeting on Tuesday 18th October 2022 at Backweston Campus with the progress being made in reducing incidence rates being outlined.

Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan TD has welcomed the decision to include a new higher limit for Cargo Bikes in the revised Bike to Work Scheme announced today as part of the Finance Bill.

Minister of State Pippa Hackett encourages forestry stakeholders and the public to take part in two significant forestry consultations which opened today. The first consultation is on the National Forestry Strategy (2023-2030).

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue T.D. has formally opened the €1.5 billion Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme (ACRES).

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris TD has today encouraged businesses, employers, individuals, community groups, education and learning providers, and all stakeholders, to have their say on the future of skills and talent in Ireland, ahead of today’s meeting of the National Skills Council.

Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly and Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler have welcomed the Government’s approval to draft a Health (Amendment) Bill intended to amend the Health Act 2007.

Minister for Community Development and Charities, Joe O’Brien TD, has today, (Wednesday October 19th), officially launched an agreed set of Values and Principles for collaboration and partnership with the Community and Voluntary Sector.

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris TD has today announced a national review of State supports for PhD researchers.

